Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Saints

Hey everyone.

Well i watched the super bowl yesterday at 11 in the morning, it was monday. We watched it at this house here in mayfield with a bunch of staff it was so awesome. I could hardly contain myself really. The upside it was american commentators via pay per view but since it was paid for there were no commericals. It was so sweet tho.

I have been playing a lot of soccer as well. It's been really sweet. Yesterday i met this guy abdulle from dubai. we are gonna try and get together soon and play some soccer again.

The Lord is doing some really neat things in my life. This past week we learned about hearing the voice of God. The thing that stuck out to me most is that His voice always aligns with scripture and a weight will be lifted after we decide to follow it. He speaks through many different ways, whether it be the Bible or by leaders. The key is to always seek His peace and His word.

How amazing that the God of the universe loves us. Wow.


  1. Hey Scott - glad for the update - sounds like you are doing well - we have a bunch of beautiful snow and they are calling for more tonight - you would love it!
    All is well here - I think of you often and I am thankful to hear that God is working in your life. Miss you
    Love Aunt Melissa

  2. It's always great to hear your updates and read your comments. Aunt Melissa does so well keeping up with your blog. You missed the commercials, they are the best part. JK. Love what you are learning about hearing God. The obeying part is key, you know your momma always says...noone wants to wind up in the belly of a fish. I love you
