Friday, May 7, 2010

South Africa

Hello everyone.

I'm in muizenberg which is right outside of capetown. It is absolutely beautiful here. We arrived at to the Ywam base at 1 oclock wednesday morning and got right into things on wednesday. God is so good. Our trip was really relaxing and was kindof a nice break from the craziness of everything.

We have been doing worship and speaking in a homeless/drug rehab shelter the last 2 mornings. It's been really neat to interact with people that have barely anything. We worship and have a message then they get food for breakfast and lunch.

In the afternoons we help with living hope childrens program. The little african kids are so fun and joyful. They jump all over me and i can't sit down without one on my lap. It's really a great opportunity.

The nature is absolutely gorgeous but the culture is kindof backwards to everything i've known. There are villages of colored people and of black people, basically they live in little 10x10 huts alot of them. Where there should be only one house on the a plot, there are 5-7 huts. I am so excited to get to really sow into the kids and into the adults that we work with. Thank you for all of your support and prayers.

If you could pray for divine appointments and the power of God to be revealed as well as his love in the lives of the people we interact with.

I love you guys.

God Bless


  1. Hey scott -was praying for you just last night with the girls and thought I would peek at the blog - glad to have an update - sounds like God is using you in a precious way over there. Anxious to learn more - love you back - aunt Melissa (hahaha Cyndi I commented first :)

  2. Dear Scottie, aunt Melissa is the queen of response. Loved your update. Please take pictures :). Praying specifically for lives to be changed and are excited to be a part of all of your team's journey through prayer here. I love you dearly.

  3. Hey Scotty just thinking and praying for you and you're team. Sounds like the Lord is really moving in your hearts :) We're continuosly praying for you back home! Live it up! :) Miss ya
