Saturday, January 9, 2010

Phoenix is sweet

Hi Mates, (i've been wanting to say that for so long)

My tendancy of posting 2 days will probably not continue but i guess i will try to keep everyone updated. I am sitting in the Phoenix airport and it was an amazing flight. It was kindof a teaser as i will have a long flight ahead of me to Sydney. God is so good. I was challenged and encourage as i read in Mark during my flight, how Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick, I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." I guess it just showed me once again how we are here to reach out and help, and that it takes faith to reach out your hand to the broken. Who are we to keep the gift a secret.

God Bless,
Scott Jordan


  1. Hey dude - glad to hear the flights went well - been praying for you alot! - even in the middle of the night when I was up from to much caffeine - haha
    thanks for the update and I pray the next few days of change and adjustment will go smooth
    love you - aunt Melissa

  2. Scotty- Hey there hot stuff...Sorry I didn't get to see you before you officially headed out, but I will be praying and thinking of you often! I'm very proud of you for following God's lead, we'll miss you around here and look forward to your stories when you get back. Love you lots,
    your favorite cousin
    Christina (I just put my name so that others knew who it was, I know you knew right away)

  3. so glad to hear you arrived safely. Praying for strength and a great start. I love you MOM

  4. Scott! Can you please do me a huge favor and mail me some kangaroo poop. I took a bet that since you were in kangaroo territory that you could produce some, but i need a ziplock bag full. Its over $100 so i really need you to make it happen for me...i'll split the winnings and pay you back for shipping when you get back.

    Im really pulling for you. love you.

  5. Scott,
    I have been praying for YOU, Mate, tonight, oh thats right its morning there in Aussieland. I am thanking the Lord for safe flights for you, connections for your pack of tickets, etc.
    I will pray for a smooth adjustment, your luggage to arrive safely & SOON and a catch up on your sleep.

    On we go, ever trusting the Almighty.
    love, aunt jul
